
  • todo
  • todo
  • todo

☎️ Patrol flags system

To control patrol movement / staying on some point flags system is implemented.
Following parameters can be used to affect patrolling logics.

🔨 path_walk


  • body state when moving on a patrol


  • percent probability to stop on a patrol point (0-100), it is 100 by default


  • set signal on waypoint arrival (without look check and correct), for the following check with the logic system field on_signal
  • -to set a signal after turning, use the corresponding flag for a path_look waypoint

🔨 path_look


  • body state when stand/sit at place


  • time to stay idle when on point and look
  • * means unlimited time
  • valid values are in the range [1000, 30000], 5000 by default
  • for terminal waypoints of path_walk that have no more than one corresponding path_look, the value of t is always considered infinite and does not have to be set


  • set signal on path_look waypoint with the given name after turning towards the point


  • flag to wait whole team before setting signal as complete, used to wait others and stay idle before gathering
  • this flag will halt setting the signal until all characters with the given team arrive
  • the team is set as a text string in customdata, the given character will be play its idle animation until the others arrive


  • set signal on time callback from state manager
  • if t=0, signal is set right after playing init animation

💊 Examples

Button press

Play press animation and emit scheme signal:

  • wp00 | a=press | t=0 | sigtm=pressed
  • on_signal = pressed | another_scheme@section


  • Check docs from links and integrate more

⛽️ References
