🏗️ Project commands and scripts
$ npm run COMMAND_NAME
- cli - run cli scripts
- setup - setup project and submodules
- verify - verify project configuration and integrity
- build - build project gamedata with all assets
- pack:mod - build complete mod package in target/mod_package folder
- watch:scripts - build scripts in watch mode, recompile on changes
- test - run jest tests
- verify typescript typesformat
- reformat TS code and lint itlint
- lint TS code with eslint utils
$ npm run cli COMMAND_NAME
- verify
- verify project setup and linksltx
- verify ltx configuration files
- format
- format ltx configuration files
- link - link target/gamedata and logs folder and stalker folder for faster development
- unlink - unlink target/gamedata and logs folder and stalker folder
- engine
- print list of available x-ray enginesuse
- use one of available x-ray versionsrollback
- rollback to back up version of the engineinfo
- print details about current used engine
- open_game_folder - open game folder in explorer
- start_game - start game with debug flag
- build - build project gamedata with all assets
- pack
- build complete game packagemod
- build complete game package
- clone - clone additional resources
- parse - parsing utils to collect documentation or JSON summaries
- print list of commands and information about them
🏗️ Shorter alias
todo: describe npx xrf
global alias
todo: describe npx xrf
global alias
todo: describe npx xrf
global alias