Class cse_alife_creature_actor

C++ class cse_alife_creature_actor : cse_alife_creature_abstract,cse_alife_trader_abstract,cse_ph_skeleton


Hierarchy (View Summary)




__name: string

Name of luabind class constructor.

__name: string

Name of luabind class instance constructor.

angle: vector
group: number
group_id: number

Object squad id, maximal u16 (65535) if no squad assigned.

id: number
m_game_vertex_id: number
m_level_vertex_id: number
m_smart_terrain_id: number
m_story_id: number

Always numeric value. Returns maximal u32 (4294967295) value if object has no story id.

online: boolean

Whether server object has client representation and is in online mode.

parent_id: number
position: vector
script_version: number
squad: number

Squad identifier that links squad and parent smart terrain.

team: number

Team (community) of the object. Defined in game_relations.ltx -> [game_relations] -> [communities].

Example: 8 is monster, 9 is stalker, 0 is actor, 4 is freedom
